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Birth Control Links
- AnnRose's Ultimate Birth
Control Links - Links to family planning choices including abstinence,
condoms, diaphragm, hormonal implants, injections, IUD, tubal sterilization,
the Pill, emergency contraception, vasectomy and how to choose.
- Birth
Control / Family Planning - The Health Connection, Calgary Regional
Health Authority. Birth control information, condoms and diaphragms, I.U.D,
tubal ligation, vasectomy.
- Birth Control
Board at iVillage - Online discussions of birth control for women.
- Birth Control
Methods - Information to help decide which type of contraception is
best for you and your partner. Includes descriptions of different methods
and personal anecdotes. From King County, Washington, Health Department.
- Birthcontrol.com - Online sales
of conventional and innovative birth control technologies, including contraceptive
sponges, a birth control computer, new diaphragms and cervical caps, the
24-hour contraceptive gel, unusual condoms, and a product that uses saliva
to monitor reproductive cycles.
- Calgary Birth Control Association -
CBCA offers non-judgmental support and information to help you make confident,
well-informed decisions. Pregnancy options - abortion, adoption, parenting,
birth control, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), sexual orientation.
- Choosing
a Birth Control Method - Interactive online questionnaire, supported
by extensive information about contraceptive methods, guides women or men
through the decision process. From Association of Reproductive Health Professionals.
- Convenience Stores -
Offers flavored, textured or plain condoms from New Zealand.
- Cool Condoms - Customize condoms
for any occasion.
- DrDonnica.com -
Discussed contraceptive choices, benefits and risks of birth control pill
and possible connections between birth control and breast cancer.
- Epigee Birth Control Guide -
A comprehensive guide to birth control, responsible sex, and reproductive
health. Discusses use, failure rates, and FAQs for all methods, and provides
instructions for condom use and NFP charting. Reviews STD's and Safer Sex.
- Essure: Permanent Birth Control by Conceptus -
Information about permanent birth control accomplished with micro-inserts
placed in the fallopian tubes, offered as an alternative to tubal ligation.
Advantages, disadvantages, effectiveness, and other information for doctors
and patients.
- Female Condom -
Information on use of this method with intercourse and oral sex, including
advantages and disadvantages.
- Get the Pill - Provides online
prescriptions for emergency contraception including "the morning after
pill" and birth control pills.
- Medical Diary - Birth Control -
Summary of Birth Control options.
- Methods of Birth Control -
Up-to-date and accurate source of information about current birth control
methods and options. Questions to ask when deciding which form of contraception
to use.
- Ortho Women's Health -
Pharmaceutical manufacturer provides information for women on birth control
and the different contraceptive methods that are available.
- Quinacrine Sterilization - Non-Surgical
Birth Control for Women - Quinacrine Sterilization is a non-surgical
birth control for women. QS is a new outpatient procedure for female sterilization
and birth control.
- SoYouWanna
pick a method of birth control? - Review of primary methods of birth
- Various
Methods of Birth Control - A personally maintained site that explores
virtually all methods of contraception and their pros and cons. Includes
reports of personal experiences.